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Parshas V'Zos Habracha

Dedicated for

Refua Sheleima for Dovid Yehoshua ben Leba Malka

Refuah Sheleima for Yehudis Miriam bas Dina

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Parsha Overview This week there is only a Summary of the Parsha to help you know what the Parsha is about. There is no Party list.

In Sefer Devarim – also called Mishna Torah - Moshe Rabeinu recounts what happened in the Torah from the previous Sefarim for the generation that is about to enter the land of Eretz Yisrael and gives them many new Mitzvos as well. His Speech takes place for thirty six days straight - right before he passes away.

V'Zos Habracha

This Parsha is the final Parsha in the Torah and is read on Simchas Torah.

(Shabbos immediately after is Parshas Bereshis)

The meaning of V’Zos Habracha is “And this is the bracha”.  Right before Moshe passes away, he gives a special bracha to the Shevatim. Similar to the brachos that Yaakov gave his sons.

The pasuk “Torah Tziva Lanu” and “Vayehi Beshurun Melech” precede the brachos.

The Brachos

Reuven – May you live and not die both in war in this world and in atonement for your sin in the world to come.

Shimon – did not get his own blessing (Medrash says because of the sin of their leader Zimri).

Yehuda – Hashem, listen to the tefilos of Yehuda’s descendants and help them in battle.

Levi – Aharon clothed in the Urim V’tumim was pious and faithful. The shevet of Levi was also tested and stood up to the test with Mei Meriva and the Egel Hazahav. They are worthy to teach Torah to Yaakov and serve in the Mishkan. Bless the work of their hands and prevent enemies from rising up.

Binyamin – You will dwell securely without fear of enemies because Hashem loves you. Part of the Bais Hamikdash is in the territory of Binyamin with the Shechina dwelling in his portion of land.

Yosef – Your portion will yield more delicacies than any other portion of the land. You will have 2 great descendants Yehoshua with the strength of an ox from Ephraim and Gidon representing a Re’em from Menashe.

Zevulun and Yissachar – You will be blessed in your partnership where Zevulun does commerce and Yissachar sits in tents learning. Your journeys at sea will be successful and safe because you are supporting Yissachar in Torah and gaining Olam Haba. And Yissachar, there is no greater joy than the learning of Torah.

Gad – Hashem will bless you with more territory deeper into the land of Sichon and Og. You are strong and able to strike off a head and arm in one blow in war. Moshe would be buried in their portion but the place is hidden. Gad would fulfill their duty to fight in the main land of Eretz Yisrael by marching at the head.

Dan – You are strong like a young lion and your territory has a stream flowing from Bashan and will be fertile land. Dan also got additional territory as they needed more space.

Naftali - Your territory will satisfy all that live there as it is full of Hashem’s blessing and luscious fruits. It will include the sea of the Kinneret.

Asher – You will be blessed with sons, your brothers will accept you and want to marry your daughters, and you will dip your feet in oil as your land will be full of olive trees. Your mountains will contain iron and copper and you will be strong even when you are old, you will be like you are young.

The After Bracha

Moshe ends the brachos with praising Hashem and the people. –

Know that there is no god like Hashem. The sky is just where He dwells but He reigns the earth and will destroy the enemy before you.

You will live peacefully in Eretz Yisrael in a land of grains and wine with dew dripping from the heaven.

Ashrecha Yisrael! Fortunate are you! Who is like your nation that has Hashem fighting for them and protecting them? Your enemies will lie to you but will fear you because you will tread on their high places!

Moshe Goes up Har Nevo

Moshe concludes his brachos and goes up the mountain – Har Nevo. Hashem shows him the entire land of Eretz Yisrael before he passes away. Then Hashem takes back the holy soul of His servant Moshe through the mouth (kiss) of Hashem – a Misa Neshika. (Rashi says that either Moshe wrote the words Vayamas Moshe when Hashem told him too or that Yehoshua wrote it after he passed.)

Hashem buried him in the valley of Moav in a place that nobody knows. He was 120 years old. His body did not decompose after he passed away.

The Nation Mourns

The people cried for 30 days. Yehoshua began to lead the people in place of Moshe and the people listened to him.

There was never again a Navi with the greatness of Moshe Rabbeinu that saw Hashem face to face and performed nissim like he did.



We begin again with Bereshis....

(Adapted partially from, and The Pesukim and Rashi and Medrash Says)

There is no


list for this Parsha.

Please enjoy whatever Simchas Torah Nosh you get!




  • Zechus for all the soldiers on the front lines in Israel to stay safe and succeed!

  • Zechus for the hostages to be returned safely and the wounded and grieving to recover from the terrible tragedy that occurred on Shemini Atzeres/Simchas Torah.

  • Le'iluy Nishmas the soldiers lost in battle and all the Kedoshim lost on 10.7.23

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  • Le'iluy Nishmas Tziporah Chana a"h bas Yaakov Avraham Eliyahu

  • Le'iluy Nishmas Eliyahu zt"l ben R' Chaim Yitzchak and Raizel a"h bas R' Dovid Mordechai

  • Le'iluy Nishmas Moshe ben Dovid

  • Le'iluy Nishmas Meir Naftoli ben Tzvi Halevi

  • Le'iluy Nishmas Shneur Zalman ben Yitzchak HaKohen

  • Le'iluy Nishmas Shalom ben Shraga Meir HaKohen

  • Le'iluy Nishmas Moshe Naftali ben Yechiel


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