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Parshas Ki Savo

Le'iluy Nishmas: Gittel a"h bas Shraga Meir Hakohen

Le'iluy Nishmas Tziporah Chana a"h bas Yaakov Avraham Eliyahu

Zechus Refuah Sheleima: Refael ben Rivka Chana and Devorah Adina bas Chana Avigail

Zechus Refuah Sheleima: Tzvi ben Devorah -( B"H Tzvi is doing amazing - keeping on list until Daas Torah advises to remove)

Please contact us if you would like to sponsor as a zechus for someone


Parsha Overview (Feel free to skip straight to the Party below - simply click the arrow next to this text and the overview will disappear

In Sefer Devarim – also called Mishna Torah - Moshe Rabeinu recounts what happened in the Torah from the previous Sefarim for the generation that is about to enter the land of Eretz Yisrael and gives them many new Mitzvos as well. His Speech takes place for thirty six days straight - right before he passes away.

Ki Savo


Moshe tells the nation, when you come to Eretz Yisrael and finish conquering the land, then you are responsible to keep the mitzvah of Bikkurim – this is the Mitzvah of bringing the first fruits that grow from your crops of Shivas HaMinim (7 special fruits) and bringing them to the Bais Hamikdash as a thank you to Hashem. Rashi says that when you see the fruit begin to ripen, you tie a reed/string around it so you know that this is the fruit to bring.

The Kohen will take the basket of bikkurim together with the owner and wave it around and place it on the Mizbayach. The owner declares: “Arami Oved Avi – an Arami tried to destroy my father, and eventually we went down to Mitzrayim small in number but we came out as a large nation. The Mitzriyim afflicted us and we cried out to Hashem and Hashem heard our voice… and brought us out with a strong hand… (You may recognize these words from the Hagaddah on Pesach) to this place flowing with milk and honey. And now Hashem I bring my first fruit to you.” It is a big simcha when this is done. Rashi says it should be done at a time of simcha, which is Yom Tov.

Viduy Maaser

In the third and sixth years of the Shemita cycle, the people are commanded to declare that they brought all their Maaseros (1/10) that were commanded of them (Maaser Rishon, Maaser Sheini, Maaser Ani). They would declare to Hashem that they followed what Hashem commanded and did not eat from their share of maaser while in a period of mourning, Tamei -spiritually unclean, or use it for caring for a dead person.

A Treasured Nation

Hashem commands them to keep the Mitzvos and the Chukim. Remember that you chose to follow Hashem and He chose you as a treasured nation, supreme above all the nations.

Inscribing the Torah on 12 Stones

Moshe commands the Zekainim to do the following: As they cross the Yarden into the land, take 12 large stones, plaster them, and inscribe the words of the Torah onto the stones. It should be written very clearly – Rashi says write it also in all 70 languages on the stones! This is all to proclaim their relationship with Hashem.

The stones will then be built as a Mizbayach on Har Evel and coat them with plaster. Do not use an iron tool on them. They should be whole stones and not carved out. Karbanos should be brought on them and it should be a big simcha.

Pay Attention!

Moshe, the Kohanim, and the Leviim called out to the nation – Pay attention and listen! Today you have become a nation to Hashem. Listen to His voice and His mitzvos!

Har Gerizim and Har Evel

Moshe tells them that when they cross the Yarden, they should divide the nation into two groups to stand on 2 mountains called Har Grizim and Har Evel. Towards one mountain Brachos will be called out and towards the other mountain curses will be called out. To each one the people will need to say Amen. They should choose to follow Hashems commands in order to receive the Brachos.

Har Grizim – the Brachos if you keep the Mitzvos:

· Shimon

· Levi

· Yehuda

· Yissachar

· Yosef

· Binyamin

Har Evel – the curses if you do not keep the Mitzvos:

· Reuven

· Gad

· Asher

· Zevulun

· Dan

· Naftali

The Kohanim, the Leviim, and the Aron were in the middle between the two mountains.

First, there were several curses that came along with corresponding blessings – cursing one that does the specific Aveira in secret and blessing one that does not do it.

These curses included one that secretly makes an Avodah Zara, one that degrades his parents, one that moves his neighbors boundaries to extend his own, one that misguides a blind person, one that does not properly judge a Ger, Yasom, and Almanah, one that has certain improper relations, one that hits his friend in secret (Rashi says this refers to Lashon Hara), one that takes a bribe to put someone to death, one that doesn’t keep the Torah.

If they keep what Hashem says, they will be blessed in the city, blessed in the field, blessed with the fruit of the womb, fruit of the soil, etc. blessed in their basket and kneading bowls, blessed when they come and when they go.

Enemies that rise up will be beaten and run away in seven directions.

Your graineries will be blessed, the land will be blessed and everyone will see that Hashem is with you. Hashem will open His great treasury for you and bring rain in it’s time.

You will be able to lend and not need to borrow.

You will be at the head and not at the tail.

You will be at the top and not at the bottom. All this for listening to Hashem.


And then the Pesukim list the Tochacha and the curses that the nation will receive if they do not keep the words of the Torah and follow Hashem. One curse worse than the next – (which will not be listed in this text) including horrible sicknesses, famine, poverty, and Galus.

New set of Eyes and Ears

They are reminded that Hashem brought them through Mitzrayim and the Midbar in order to bring them to keep the Torah

They saw what happened in Mitzrayim but now they are being given eyes to see and ears to hear. He led them 40 years in the Midbar and their clothing and shoes did not wear out and they didn’t need bread or wine to eat. Then they won Sichon and Og and gave Ever HaYarden to Reuven Gad and half of Menashe.

He ends the Parsha that if they want to have success, they need to keep the Torah.

(Adapted partially from, and The Pesukim and Rashi and Medrash Says)

And now for the fun part



  • ·Smilee Candy

  • Jolly Ranchers

  • Laffy Taffy Rope

  • Fidget Spinner candy

  • Candy laces/Sour Sticks/Pull and Peel/twizzlers

  • Basket filled with Fruits/Fruit themed candies

  • Pomegranate Fruit Bars

  • Grape Oodles (or any grape candy)

  • Take Ten Cookies

  • Torino Tentation Pareve Chocolates

  • Chocolate Coin Filled Treasure chest (Can get on onlykoshercandy’s website)

  • Chocolate coins/Money rolls

  • Candy Gems

  • Jewel Pops

  • Rock Candy

  • Aleph Bais Chocolates /Cookies

  • Candy Brix

  • Slime Up Candy /Candy Spray

  • Chewz-It / Nutty Chews

  • Sour Bites

  • FruZips

  • Sour Lips

  • Zillions

  • Shock Pops

  • Rice Crispy treats in the shape of mountains

  • Cup Cakes

  • Rainballs


Smilee Candy / Jolly Ranchers / Laffy Taffy Rope – The Bikkurim is celebrated as a big simcha (and should be brought during a time of simcha – Yom Tov)

Fidget Spinner candy - The Bikkurim are waved around with the owner and the Kohen in the Bais Hamikdosh

Candy laces/Sour Sticks/Pull and Peel/Twizzlers/ Laffy taffy rope – The owner of the crops ties a string around the first fruit that ripen from their Shivas Haminim crops

Basket filled with Fruits/ Fruit themed candies – Bikkurim are brought in a basket. The first fruits that ripen are brought to the Bais Hamikdosh to thank Hashem.

Pomegranate Fruit Bars / Grape Oodles (or any grape candy) - Bikkurim are brought from Shivas Haminim

Take Ten Cookies / Torino Tentation Pareve Chocolates - Viduy Maaser on the 3rd and 6th year of the Shmitta cycle. One needs to declare that they brought all the Maaser needed – Maaser Rishon Maaser Sheini and Maaser Ani – and that they did it according to the laws commanded

Chocolate Coin Filled Treasure chest (Can get on onlykoshercandy’s website)/Chocolate coins/Money rolls / Candy Gems / Jewel Pops – Hashem declares the Jewish People an Am Segula , a treasured nation

Rock Candy / Aleph Bais Chocolates or Cookies – When they cross the Yarden they need to take 12 large rocks and write all the words of the Torah on them, in seventy languages

Candy Brix - They need to build the 12 rocks into a Mizbayach on Har Evel

Slime Up Candy /Candy Spray – They need to plaster over the 12 rocks that they take from the Yarden and write the Torah on

Chewz-It / Nutty Chews – On Har Grizim and Har Evel they are told to choose the mitzvos and will have Success and Brachos. If they choose not to follow mitzvos they will have curses

Sour Bites / Sour Lips – The curses on Har Evel

FruZips - One who hits his friend in secret is referring to Lashon Hara according to Rashi – Zip up and don’t speak Lashon Hara

Zillions - The brachos mention that they will have abundance in children and food etc

Shock Pops – If they don’t keep the Mitzvos there are many horrible shocking curses that will go on them

Rice Crispy treats in the shape of mountains / Cup Cakes – Har Grizim and Har Evel

Rainballs – If they do keep Hashem’s Mitzvos they are promised rain

There are definitely more great ideas.... let's get some more please!!!


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Have a wonderful Shabbos!




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